Came across an old journal. I guess I took these notes while at a SCBWI (Society of Childrens Writers and Illustrators) conference, quite a few years ago.
That lightbulb on the page? It marks the first moment I got the inspiration for writing The Someday Birds. (Original working title: “Chicken Nuggets Across America.”) My lightbulb moment happened during the late, great, legendary Richard Peck’s keynote speech! But here’s the point:
I thought I wasn’t worthy of attending that conference. I thought I wasn’t good enough of a writer yet, to go. I thought, “I should really spend this conference money on something practical for my kids instead.” The cost, the travel, the sensory onslaught!
But I went, because a few friends pretty much dragged me.
Then the speaker, Richard Peck, said something… which triggered a memory of an idea I’d once had for a story… And I literally felt inspiration light up my soul.
Sometimes I wonder if I would have written that novel if they hadn’t… if he hadn’t… Maybe not.
So: This is a love letter to my fellow creative loners and outsiders, worst-critics and self-doubters. My fellow introverted-humble-unworthies. Go. Push yourself to get out there in some way. Presume. Dare. Find your people.
Because creativity needs community. Because you may never know what you need to hear someone say, until you hear it. (I am forever indebted to the late, great Richard Peck.)
Community can brighten everything. It can shed new light into our souls. It can grow our ideas from wee sparks into glowing light bulbs.
I bet there are new ideas out there for you. The Universe is waiting to convey them to you. All you have to do is show up.