Young friends,
I want to tell you that life is not a race, and you are not “behind.”
I want to tell you that you may be many things in your lifetime.
You may not always have full control over every circumstance, but one thing’s for sure: you will always change and grow.
I want to share how in every decade of my life, I’ve *been* someone different.
Teens: I struggled so much–struggled to interact, wanted to convey so much. I passionately wanted to be a fiction writer.
20s: I ended up at a business magazine instead. Surprise: I loved it!
30s: Quit that job to raise 3 very special babies.
40s: Was an autism advocate and a school board president, working within the district to help all students. (Was also an amateur musician, playing coffeehouses. I learned I was not very good and not cut out for it!)
50s: Got cancer, which made me recalibrate — and recall the girl I once was, the one who struggled so much. I yearned to write stories for her and for all who move through this world a bit differently.
Yes, I had always wanted to be a fiction writer. But I didn’t start until my 50s. I did many things, *was* many people, before then.
We all move through this world differently. No matter who you are or where you are on your path, you too will continue to change and grow in so many ways.
I’m grateful for every stage so far, even the not-so-great ones. Also, I’ve met so many incredibly lovely people along the way, in all the different places I’ve lived.
And so.
I guess what I’m trying to convey, here, is I’m trying to send out love and encouragement to you, wherever you are on your very own, very special path through this world.
(me, once upon a time)